Tag Archives: Kites and More Kites

International Kite Festivals in Rajasthan


kite festival

Since many years, the cities- Jodhpur and Jaipur in Rajasthan have been hosting Kite Festival on Makar Sankranti with great fervor. The main attribute of the festival is the show of ‘diversity’ in all aspects. Kites all shapes and sizes are seen in the sky and the main competition is to cut the strings of nearby kite flyers and bring it down. For this purpose people intend to make their strings and sharp as possible, to give a tough fight to its opponent flyer. The special kite strings are coated with the mixture of glass and glue called as ‘manjha’.

kite festival

Jodhpur Kite festival will be held from January 12 to 15, 2014 at Jodhpur polo ground. The festival is divided into two sections, of which one is fighter kite Competition and the other is Display Flying. The kite flyers compete with each other displaying their skills in order to win the Fighter Kite Competition while the other calmly flies the kite exhibiting their beautiful kites for the Display Flying. The prestigious trophies are awarded to the winners of both the categories and every participant is offered dinner at an exotic venue. The Grand Finale of the International kite Flying Festival in Jodhpur is held in the extant lawns of the Umaid Bhawan Palace. The finals of the Fighter Kite competition and Display Flying are followed by the prize distribution ceremony, thanks-giving ceremony and farewell dinner with the Maharaja of Jodhpur.


Jal Mahal

Jaipur, on the other hand, would host International Kite Festival from January 14 to 16, 2014 at the Jal Mahal ground. Participants from 25 countries are expected to reach Jaipur for this International festival besides 30 kite flyers from different Indian states would participate. These participants will also show off their considerable skills like flying multiple kites with one string. The kites will provide a glimpse of the varied culture and traditions of the various countries that are participating.

Bright and colourful kites in striking shapes and unusual designs, some never seen before, would dot the sunny sky of Rajasthan on 14 January, 2014. For kite flying enthusiasts, various locations of Rajasthan on Tuesday morning will be the right place to be.

If you are a passionate Kite lover, participate in the festivities of Makar Sankranti and various Kite Festivals across Rajasthan in 2014 and enjoy the rejoicing festival. Make you bookings and get ready to shout in joy “Woh Kaataa!!”